Financial Education
Made Easy for

MoneyAfrica Kids aims to build the next generation of adults who are financially literate and independent, thus closing the poverty gap.

What is MoneyAfrica Kids about?

MoneyAfrica Kids makes financial literacy easy for children. Our aim is to build the next generation of adults to be financially literate and independent, thus closing the poverty gap.

Money Africa 2022 Summer Boot Camp

The MoneyAfrica Kids Summer Boot camp is a 5-week programme that starts on August 1, 2022, and ends on September 1, 2022.

The topics to be covered include:

  • What is Money? 

  • The Evolution of Money 

  • Budgeting

  • How to Earn and Grow Your Money

  • Investing

  • Emergency Funds

  • Low-risk Assets

  • Medium-risk Assets

  • High-risk Assets

  • Risk-limiting Strategies

  • Skill Acquisition

What your kids will get?

  • Recorded and live online courses on money management 

  • One year access to the recorded courses

  • FREE customised email support for a 1-month period after the boot camp

  • Certificate of course completion

  • A FREE jigsaw puzzle to drive creative thinking

  • A FREE workbook to be used along with the classes

Pay Now

Price: ₦ 25,000
Early Bird: ₦ 20,000

What makes MoneyAfrica Kids stand out?

At MoneyAfrica Kids, we believe that teaching financial literacy to children (7–18 years old) at an early age can help them understand the value of money, how to save for long-term goals and how to spend responsibly. Teaching children about finances makes them financially literate and gives them a stronger ability to manage their finances later in life.

Children are not too young to learn about money. In fact, the earlier, the better. One of the biggest edge that Warren Buffett had was that he started investing at the age of 11. Let’s give children that head start.Within two years of starting MoneyAfrica Kids, the results have been amazing.

We have organised virtual boot camps and physical training sessions for over 1,500 African children. Some children from our boot camps have started building businesses and developing healthy financial habits. We are confident that we are indeed building a generation of financially literate adults.

“The number one problem in today’s generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy.”

Alan Greenspan

What Clients Say About
Money Africa Kids

My child has learned a great deal about budgeting, investments, and stocks. She even went as far as creating a budget for managing the money she receives and spends in a month as a student. Now, she’s business-oriented and money-savvy.

It helped him condition a healthy mindset towards money which would definitely avert a lot of future grievances and regrets.

His money mindset had changed greatly, and he understands the process behind achieving a surplus budget which is by creating multi streams of income, he has also learnt greatly on savings and investment.